So I had an epiphany as I was running the other day. It's nothing new, I tend to have lots of them when I run, unfortunately by the time I finish and get settled I've either forgotten what exactly it was I came up with or have something else thrown at me to occupy my attention. But thankfully this one stuck and it just might be of help to someone other than just me which is the hope in all of this.
We are in strange times to say the least. We're all being encouraged from gathering in crowds and basically everything is shut down at this point. While it is tempting to give in to the apathy pulling at us and to just do nothing since for once, that is about all we can do nowadays; I know there is a way that some of us can still hang out in a sense and that is through running. The running community has been really good to me, no matter whether I'm out there running 30+ miles a week or barely half that in a month, it is always there to encourage, inspire, and motivate. I have gotten to know people and now friends that I would have probably never would have interacted with due to my introverted and socially anxious self.
I know some of you love to go out and run to get away and some of you hate it. Some of you need to do as you have fitness goals and other things waiting for you come the fall. I thought that this could be a way to help. I have set up a club using the app Strava. It's a free app (you can pay for their premium stuff for all the bells and whistles but it's not necessary) you can download. It will track your walks or runs and it syncs with fitness watches for anyone that has one. For those that are serious runners, it'll track how you do on the same routes and let you know you know your improvements, PRs, etc. You are also put into a community that is there to encourage and congratulate, regardless of whether you are out running road races or just walking your dog around the block. And right now, exercise may be one of the few times we're able to get out of the boredom of staying in the house and doing something for yourself.
So I offer an opportunity or challenge, however you want to look at it. I'd love to create a community on Strava for the CHS community; students, teachers, alums, family, everyone. I have created a group below if you have or download the app to join and be apart of this active community. And while we may not be able to get out and be together on the greenways, roads, or tracks around Concord, we can still be out there, knowing that others will see the work time we're putting in for ourselves, regardless of whatever motivates you to get out and do it. This is for all, runners, walkers, joggers, ruckers, doesn't matter. I know that if I'm going to get back into the shape I need to be in to even attempt to hit my goals for the Charlotte Marathon in November, I need as many people pushing and encouraging me. Sometimes a simple kudo on the app is all one needs, or seeing that your buddy or co-worker went outside and did something active will motivate you to do the same.
Please consider joining, it's free and getting outside with the weather warming up may be one of the few "normal" things that we get to do over the next couple/few weeks. I thank you for reading and hope to see you out on the roads, or at least on Strava in the CHS Run Group.
All the best