My thoughts and reflections on teaching and the goings on in my classroom. And occasionally I'll ramble about sports, music, or raising twins.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Summer Reading, had me a blast.....
Standage's is a pretty interesting view of world history, looking at it through the lens of six key beverages; beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and coca-cola. While the book goes in the history and stories behind the discovery/invention of each of these drinks, but it also how these drinks shaped the societies they came up with and how influential they each were, or are still today. Some really snippets on the Neolithic Revolution, trade across the Atlantic, the British Empire, and current day globalization. Since I borrowed this book from the library, I'll need to find a cheap copy somewhere, or keep taking pics of the pieces I liked to use as bell ringers, exit tickets, etc. Both books are very helpful, and glad I picked them. I haven't read a lot of actual historical literature, it's not as easy of a read as my thrillers are which I can buzz through in a matter of days, but definitely stuff I need to continue to improve my craft and find good material for my class.
So if you're looking for a couple of good reads, I recommend both, although be forewarned, Diamond is not the easiest of reads. Thanks for reading
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
More summer musings & adventures in podcasting
Also had our school improvement summer retreat today. Nice to get out of the house and be a part of this group. But got some good pointers that I think I'm going to add in for next year. I definitely need to add in formative assessments. The course goes along so fast and I need to make sure that I'm doing my due diligence and making sure that I'm checking constantly to make sure that my students are understanding the skills and content. I also need to start using more anticipation guides, again to help my students take what they know and allow them to expand upon it and find out where I need to focus the most moving forward. I want to be more direct and intentional with what I'm doing and hopefully these will help. So time to start tweaking my syllabus and calendars around, but it was just the shot in the arm I needed to break up a stale run to summer. It's late, gonna run, thanks for reading as always.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Project Semicolon
I bring all this up as I stumbled upon the hashtag #semicolonedu which looks at bringing awareness to teachers & educators that suffer from mental health issues and hopes to eliminate the stigma behind MHI. There have been great posts, particularly by @thenerdyteacher and @Joe_Mazza about their own struggles and I think one of the great things is you have several other educators that have the courage to speak up about their own demons. I'm no different, for the better part of a decade I've fought my own battles with depression. I've thankfully never gotten to the point that my mother did, but it's something that constantly is present. For me, it's a general apathy and anxiety that I fight. So many times when I could be doing something productive or necessary, I end up sitting around doing nothing, wasting time on mindless games on my phone or doing the same sporcle quiz I've done a dozen times to avoid the task ahead of me. Now I've gotten better and learned to cope and fight this as time as gone on, but it's still a struggle. It's something that led me to the complacency that caused my failures as a college coach and my firing ultimately. But because of that, I found my way to teaching, something I feel I was always meant to do, it just took me too long to find the courage to go back to school and get it done. And oddly enough, that anxiety and apathy disappears when I'm in the classroom. I've found my element, I'm not worried about failing as I was before, I'm no longer afraid to talk to people I don't know all that well, worrying about the impressions that I'll make. I have a confidence and an activity level that help me fight through it, which I can't say I ever really had. It's still funny, and probably odd, that I'm still such an introvert in "real" life while I'm loud and engaging when I'm teaching and at work. But everyday I try to stay sharp, I've gotten a passion back for reading and for running (although getting out the door some days is near impossible), I spend time playing with my kids taking care of them over the summer. At times, it's tough since I have little contact with anyone other than the twins during the summer, but they help give me perspective. They need the best Dad, I can't slack for them. And so I try to learn from the unfortunate and tragic lessons of my mother, and keep a focus going forward each day. I mentioned previously the quote that my mother and I found and used it to try and inspire us as we struggled together with our issues. I've since gotten it permanently done as a reminder to me around the tree of life. I'm excited for my next tattoo as well; a semicolon. Life could've stopped with my mother's death, I was out of work and as the one living closest to her, the executor of her will. Life appeared to be in several different pieces and I know I had no clue what the future held for me. I'm proud that rather than fall into the pits and traps that she did, I've used it more as motivation to live life to my potential, and enjoy everything about it. It's so much easier said than done, as there are still days, weeks, months that are difficult and I feel myself slide into that creature that wasted away as life passed him by. And I know that every day will continue to be a test. I think I was once foolish enough to believe that I'd "beaten" my depression. I know that's never going to happen, but hopefully I'll have the strength and confidence in my life to push through the down times. It's a battle and challenge that I know I have to win, for my story is far from finished.
I truly thank you for reading, it's been very therapeutic to finally write about my mother. For those looking for more teaching stuff, I'm hoping to do my first podcast Thursday. I'll try to post something afterwards with it and my initial reflections on it.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
More than a number
- Helps that I know how to pace the course now, so I'm combining Unit 1 and 2 together basically and doing a ton of skills teaching during this first 5 weeks. Within the first 2 weeks, we'll look at all of the different skills & essays and use bell ringers most days to work on putting these skills to work. Examples will be doing a personal CCOT, analyzing pics, breaking down DBQ docs, use that beginning time to do a SPICE chart rather than having students fill them out in class (or not fill them out)
- My students may not like this, but they'll have to read a lot more than last year's students. But it'll be for a purpose, an article or something short and to the point, not pages and pages of the textbook. I've added a blog portion to my website and my students will have to make quick responses to what they read on the blog page. I'll probably work it out so not everyone reads the same article at the same time to avoid overload of responses. But it'll be something that I can use to formatively assess what they students are getting from the readings, textbook, etc.
- I'll have a lot more discussions in class. We're doing a Harkness on the second day on the summer reading, and we'll do more things like that throughout the year, whether it be full class or smaller sided ones where students dissect point of view on historical events, issues, etc.
- One other thing I'm planning to start up this summer, is making some podcasts for my students. I'm definitely planning on using them to help explain the historical skills, and probably do them for chapter and unit reviews among other things.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Why we need to teach resiliency to students
So I'm on vacation actually, but during a couple of runs around town I've thought a lot about this topic due to some recent events. Hopefully this will turn out alright as I'm using my phone to write this. I think if you were to ask me what's the greatest skill I want my students to gain, it is to become resilient. For my students, I'm their first experience in an AP level course and most of them are completely out of their element when they first arrive. A lot of my students have never gotten lower than an A on any assignment and all of the sudden they're getting a D or worse on their first quiz or test. Many of them are floored and not sure where to turn, and I talk them through the steps they need to take to improve but tell them they're going to have to reflect upon what they're currently doing and figure out how they'll get better. That self reflection is key. I wish I could just say day 1 you'll all need to start doing this and everyone would follow suit. But that self reflection doesn't usually come without some sort of struggle or obstacle first. This skill is key because learning continues after one steps outside of the classroom. In retrospect I wish someone had pushed this skill harder to me as a kid. For most of high school, college, and the rest of my twenties things came relatively easy and I could always get by with fairly minimal effort being put in whether that was with school, sports, work, or relationships. Well, that didn't really leave me happy with where my life was headed. Around the time I decided to go back to school to get my teaching certifications, I was fired from my coaching job at the college I worked at (a blessing in disguise really). But what really caused me to reevaluate myself wasn't the firing, it was a few weeks later finding my mother dead in her condo. My mother had long struggled with several issues and had taken her life 5 years ago this past May. Its something I rarely bring up, but after all the craziness slowed down after it happened, I thought a lot in particular about two quotes my mother shared with me. The first, a tribute to the Hanna Barbera cartoons I loved as a kid and the favorite quote of yogi bear being "smarter than the average bear." My mom told me and my brothers that there were a lot of average bears in the world and that we were smarter than those average bears and needed to make sure we did something with that. The other was a quote by Ralph waldo Emerson, "make the most of yourself for that is all there is of you." I hadn't been doing either of those things, and it was time to change that. A lot's changed in those 5 years, I'm now married, have kids, got a teaching job, earned my masters, and switched up to a high school where I couldn't be happier working. But I had to learn to take this tragedy and move past it while making sure I took the lessons I needed from it. I value life more now than I did, and try to make the most out of all things in front of me.
What got all of these thoughts in my head was the recent passing of one of my high school teammates and friends this past week. Ricky was one of the best athletes I've had the privilege of playing with and one of the nicest and most sincere person you could know too. Many of us struggle to understand why he was taken from us all at such a young age. I know I'll never know and in truth am not meant to understand why. But I should learn and reflect from his passing. Ricky was a man who always worked hard, whether it be at soccer, his computer work, even picking up lacrosse and becoming an all conference player in one year. And despite how great he was, he was always humble, quick to share credit with his teammates. So while I work to live day in and day out by those words of Emerson my mom shared with me, to truly honor Ricky, I'll work hard, be humble, and be great. That's what he did and who he was. And hopefully I can pass a bit of that on to my kids and students too.
Thanks for reading.